
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

11.12.13- Blush it on!

Oh yes today has become the red letter day when my baby learns how to blush! ;) Well what happened was this- her very favorite Kaka mamu winked at her and every time he did that, she blushed... and did I add, "profusely"? It was hillarious to watch. :)

And to add to the drama queen moment, we later also had a tantrum thrown, when Alakh was narrating to others how this was happening and everyone looked at Ami to watch her blush.... Naturally my baby got angry & slightly embarrassed at this show on interest by all the adults around her. :)

So we had to literally get her in the mood again before we could click our group pic! Gosh! Kids...! 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Yay! Pizza!!!!

Sunday was our Pizza Night... And to our pleasant surprise, Ami greeted our delivery boy with "Yay! Pizza!!!" 

We hadn't even told her that that's what was ordered. :P 

I had done this routine once before with her- where I raised my hands saying "Yay!" And then "Pizzaaaa".... My very observant pixie has caught on and did it completely on her own this time around :)

I video captured the moment by asking her to do it again. My brat obliged though the spirit of the spontaneity was something else...! ;)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

2-2 Stars...!

The first thing Ami told me today, when I picked her from school was "Mumma! Ami 2-2 Stars!" On enquiring I was told that the class teacher shows her appreciation for something done by the students by drawing stars on their hands. So "2-2 stars" meant Ami had been a good girl in school today. It was the first proud moment of achievement for my baby. :)



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