
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Movie Date: Penguins of Madagascar

Just another normal Tuesday became slightly special for my baby girl as she had her first movie date at home. We called her friends home to watch a movie with her... We did it in full style. Popcorn, tickets, and the whole jing-bang! Tickets were issued... 

Ami helped Mumma pack a little something to give away to all her friends. 

Mumma's little helper, personally did all the bee stamps on these small return gifts. 

We then made some popcorn and lemonade & waited for Ami's friends to come...

All kids settled down and the first 50 minutes were quiet and was super fun except for request for more popcorn!  But as we soon realised their attention span was not much longer after that and they wanted to move around and play rather than sit in one place and watch a movie... :) 

Getting them together for a group shot in the end was an event in itself! Phewww!!! 

Beautiful evening, spent with friends, watching a lovely movie- Aha! First Movie Date- Check! Laughter & Giggles- Priceless!!! :)


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