
Friday, October 9, 2015

Complains... And getting grounded!

For last 3 days I have had Ami's Class Teacher complaining to me... About her being talkative, not listening in class, and opening her hair and disturbing the other students during Circle time. Everyday she has been promising me "she won't do it again" but it has been happening no matter what. So today when she got back from school, I explained to her that as she was continuing to do what she promised me she won't I was planning to punish her by Grounding her for the evening... She was not going to be allowed to go play with her friends in the park, as is her regular routine. I also told her this would be the punishment going forward whenever I get a complaint from her teacher regarding her behaviour in class. First she kept telling me "No" I don't agree. To which I kept explaining that to behave well or not well was her choice but what her punishment would be "was not her choice". When she finally understood this, she asked me very seriously (almost making me laugh out at her expression, which I controlled with difficulty) "what is it that she was allowed to do instead..?" Was she allowed to watch TV? "On thinking if that would be a suitable alternative, I would be okay with? I said "No!" I told her she could play with blocks or do some painting. Which she silently agreed to. 

And here's my Brat doing her painting- Oh-so-seriously... :)


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