
Monday, April 4, 2016

For Ami, As School Starts...

Four years, five months old exactly and you step into your next milestone with elan tomorrow. Are you scared? Not really. Shy? Definitely. Happy to go to Big School? Oh Yes! I think so. And yet there's this feeling suddenly that you're  growing too fast... School's just starting and I'm already thinking of all the things ahead in the next fourteen years for you- the padhai, the learnings- (educationally, and lessons in life), late night projects and parties, the best friends, the sleep-overs, the heart breaks, the gossips and the giggles that's yet to come. So much of fun and life in store ahead. :) I am thinking- this is going to be both "the beginning of the best years of your life" and "the closure to the baby years". These school years are going to shape you into the kind of happy, intelligent and fundamentally nice human being that I know you will become and I can't wait to meet that young lady who I proudly even now declare as 'mine'. And yet the fear lingers if I will be a good mom who is capable of showing you the right path ahead always, who knows the right advice to give, and can control her own emotions so as to do the right thing. I'm scared my baby that I might not be the mother you always need- might not give you the bestest advice or be a great rolemodel always, I'm not always proud of the way I behave and the impact it has on you; but know this- I love you so-so much and I hope deep in your heart you ALWAYS know that! :) 

As you start this new journey I wish for you a beautiful life that is filled with much laughter and innocence, so much gossip and giggles, much love and satisfaction. I wish you live a life where everyday becomes a beautiful memory to look back upon and cherish, without regrets, when you are a 30 something. Something that makes you smile and be happy to have made friends forever! For no matter what other friends you make later, the ones you make here are those that you make for life! :) I wish you the strength to bear all the hurt and hope you'd let me be a part of those inner thoughts. I hope you and I stay best friends and that you share everything good and bad with me always. We might not agree upon everything going forward but I will always, always...

Love you Forever and More
Mumma :)


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