
Monday, February 25, 2013

Hide n Seek Happiness :)

I have the cutest baby girl. Aarut & I were playing hide & seek today with her & when i hid & asked her to look for me, she did a thorough job of looking at the right hiding places... And the clever girl found me in seconds! Then I told her to go hide while i look for her. As soon as I started searching I called out "Ami kahaan hai?" (Where are you Ami?) and she came out of her hiding place saying Aiiii! (I'm here!) :) All of us burst out laughing at the innocence of the 15 month old who didn't realize  staying hidden was the agenda of the game & preferred to be found... ;)

Kids can teach us so much- how easy it is to live... To exist... To be happy... My adorable, completely lovable pixie! ;)

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