
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

March Stuff...

13th March:
The day started with Ami waking me up & a minute later going & bringing her shoes & asking me to make her wear it. She then had fun in her own baby pool (more like play splish-splash)

20th March:
Ami called bhai "Ayakh" today! It was funny to see her calling him by his name instead of the simpler "Mama"! I refused to give her the candy that was just beyond her reach on the table and out came "Ayakh" and pointing at the candy so that he would give it to her! Bhai was not amused at first to see this tiny little pixie addressing him by his name instead of "Mama" but later on Ami's repeated use, he started finding it funny too! :)

Hmmm so officially the first name spoken by Ami is "Ayakh"!

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