
Monday, June 24, 2013

Looking for playschools... Decisions! Decisions!!

So my daughter is going to be 20 months soon and like all parents around me, I want to send her to a good play school to learn and play with kids her own age. 

So as you can imagine we have been canvasing play schools in the vicinity which would be ideal for her. Something that fits her personality, stimulates growth and yet lets her be and discover things for herself. But there are just soooo many choices and questions that are running in my head as a parent- what are the values I'm  looking to inculcate, what are the fascilities & stimulation that I consider important, do I want my child to grow in an old school methodology or inculcate newer techniques, how disciplined or creative should the environment be, am I willing to let go and trust someone else completely or would I like to be involved & be able to see my child (on camera) and have a bit of control over what she is being exposed to, what are the important skillsets I want to concentrate on, how child-friendly and hygenically-clean is the environment, what are the kind of social skills my child will learn & most importantly do I really trust someone else with my precious bundle?

Phew! I know these are lots of questions... And more schools I visit, the more choices I receive, the bigger the list keeps growing... But I have to decide what's best for my child. And for that I need to be more decisive, for I guess this is just a start to a long journey filled with choices such as this. 

I wonder if every parent goes through this moment of feeling overwhelmed that the decision they make now will impact another human (namely their child) for life. Does every parent fear the same and feel extremely responsible for how the child will turn out? Do we fear that no matter what we choose the child will still turn around tomorrow and say "You should have done that, you ruined my life mumma!" I know its a little melodramatic and maybe things turn out just fine and workout for all of us, but these decisions scare me silly and I only pray HE helps me with the right one! 

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