
Monday, July 28, 2014

Oh No! It has started... ;)

So from the time Ami's come into our life, I have always heard my friends and cousins who are mothers of girls complaining "I don't get to choose what she wears. She refuses to wear anything but what she chooses..." I have a very very head strong daughter who generally has no qualms letting us know how she feels... So naturally I have been dreading this stage of hers to come... But oh-so-suddenly it was upon us yesterday! 

She calmly walked up to her cupboard, opened it, chose what she wanted, lay it on the bed, closed the cupboard and announced "Mumma, Ami ko yeh pehen na hai!" As parents we were both aghast and mighty surprised. We knew this moment would come but we weren't ready for it yet... And look at the T-Shirt she chose to innaugarate this stage "50% Ma... 50% Pa... 100% ME!" Hellooooo... I couldn't have said it better. Sigh! :)

Monday, July 7, 2014

Potty training... The things you experience! ;)

No this is not another gory post on how easy or difficult it was to potty train my baby... It is to share the funny side of it! So let me start by saying- my baby is finally potty trained (at least I hope she is now :)). Its been a constant learning for last 3 weeks and now she only wears Diaper while sleeping! :)

The side effect of this being now when we are out or travelling long distance, and want her to urinate in her diaper, she refuses to do it. The outcome of that being...


...yes we had to stop the car on Yamuna Expressway, remove madam's pottyseat, so she could do it! :P It is definitely one of life's funny experiences... A typical 'my bunny's funny' moment! :)


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