
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Bedtime Stories... :)

...So when Ami was younger, Umang and I- who are both avid readers, had tried to get her interested in books but to our disappointment she was just never interested in them. We tried reading to her loads of times, but her attention span was always much smaller than the smallest of stories and she would most often loose interest in the plot much before the ending. 

A few months back to our joy we realised things had changed some how and she now showed interest in stories- just like that, out of the blue. And to our immense delight we discovered that our pixie now, not only wanted us to read to her (regularly) but was most often also keen on repeating the story back to us. Her favourite series currently is Pepper... And she loves reading what he is doing and also learns with him. The bed time ritual (both during afternoon naps and night time slumber) is incomplete without a book which she chooses herself. Generally afternoons are my turn to read to her and nights are Umang's!

So let me share how exactly the scene goes... During afternoon nap: Mumma lets read "Pepper goes to School"! Okay Ami, lets do! (...After reading the story to her) Excitedly "Abb Ami padegi"... Ami's turn to read! Okay... :)

Oh and the same repeats during night slumber with her papa. And often times the same book repeats too... :) She is almost able to tell the dialogues word for word by just seeing the pics on the page.. And yes I am kinnda-slightly-happy-proud of that ;)

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