
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Halloween @ Vatika City

The newspaper post next day said Vatika are the "trend setters", so I guess we have to believe it...! Hai na? ;)  We organised Halloween party for kids in Vatika City for the second year in a row. So where we are concerned, planning as always happens at the last minute... This year we decided to include some activities for the kids to take the event up a notch- Magic Show, tattoo artists, art & craft workshop, was the way we went.. 

Learning from the mistakes of last year we decided to go with a goodie bag instead of ordering happy meals (and I strongly believe it was a good decision :))

Ami had been very scared of masks last year, in order to avoid that, I had started preparing her weeks in advance, she seemed excited about the whole idea- even deciding she wanted to be Pumpkin this time, and choosing her own costume! :) 

But on the D-Day she got scared, yet again clinging to me whenever an older child with mask came close. :(

I sent her home and asked her best friend's mom to bring her along whenever she came for the party. It was a good call... :) She was happy when she came later with her friend. Spent a lot of time dancing to songs, went around clicking pics and even got a tattoo... I was happy to see her enjoying herself. :) Her one regret was she didn't wear the pumpkin dress (she had refused to wear it while she was cranky).

Next morning she woke up, and oh-so-seriously told me, "Mumma, were you a Witch in Halloween last night?" I said "Yes! Why?" Her response "I didn't like you as Witch Ma. You are pretty-pretty when you are my mumma." Awwww! Always glad to know that! ;) 

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