
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Uniform Smiles :)

On Tuesday, Ami wore her school uniform for the first time. :) It was La Petite's first bday and they had lots of fun activities for kids. So even though Ami was slightly under the weather, rather than keep her home, I decided to take her to school so she could have some fun. She wore her colorful lavender-lime green uniform to school and felt at one with the other kids at school. 

Return gift- a house gullak

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Play School Begins. :)

Ami started play school today... Among all the humdrum of daily grind and regular routine, today became a red letter day coz it was her first day at school! 

Getting Ready: 

Seeing off: 

Posing with the school bag:

At Le Petite: 

And the experience:

We walked into La Petite and Ami refused to leave my hand and go to her mam. So I was asked to bring her along to the class. Stayed there for 5 mins, trying to get her interested in the numerous ride-ons, slides & toys other kids were playing with. At first she naturally didn't show any interest but then the most unique thing happened. Two girls her age walked up to her and held her hand and took her to a vacant ride-on. She let them guide her without any fuss. I was asked to leave slowly. When I left her in the room, she called out for me 2/3 times but that was expected. 

I guess she soon forgot me, coz after waiting merely 15-20 mins at the reception, I was asked to leave and collect her later. Anubha Mam thought she was adjusting well and there would be no problem as she was engrossed with her 'new' friends. 

I went back an hour later expecting to see a screaming bundle asking for "Mumma" but she came out aaram se, ek dum quiet. I even looked for tear stains but thankfully there weren't any. She just gave me a look (that hardly lasted a min), which was a cross between angry & "Did u dare leave me mommy?" She was normal and laughing even before we left... Even waved bye to mam & 2 other fellow students before leaving. 

All in all looked like a good day. 

Anubha mam told me she had half a parantha with raita. Was not sitting on corner (as I'd feared)... But had been playing with other kids quietly. She has asked me to bring her earlier tomorrow as she didn't cry today. (Touch Wood!)

Once we left La Petite, on our way back, I had to literally park my car midway & make a video of the 'hulla' happening in the car... Phewww! It was all excitement personified...

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Chocolate? No-No!

If you're wondering how a child can say "No-No" to chocolate; you are right, coz the "No-No" was for me, not her...! ;)

While sitting on our swing, watching rain fall (which is now our favourite past time), we were both attacking a bar of chocolate this evening when Ami, who's generally the most giving child; at least the one trying to feed us her food, for the first time said "No-No" when I asked her for a bite from the bar! I was so stunned at her refusing me a bite that I burst out laughing & my greedy-little-monkey quickly gobbled the remaining bar of chocolate. :)

I'm still doing Ha ha ha, when I recollect tje moment. I guess I'll have to earn my chocolates going forward and my baby will sure help keep a check on my calorie intake! :P

A letter to my baby as play school starts...

My Pixie is about to start school tomorrow. And yes, it is only playschool and she only goes for three hours a day, but this is the beginning of the end. Once she has made this giant step, she is walking off into her own life one tiny toddle step at a time.

From now on, we’ll need to consider school holidays when planning family trips. From now on, I will need to label her clothing and mark her lunch box, packed with healthy snacks and love. From now on, she will be learning and experiencing things away from me. It’s a giant step for both of us.

For those of you who have been through this, trust me, I know that I will make it out on the other side. I also am pretty sure that she will love it. But there are always fears and insecurities associated with change. She’s got her backpack and is excited for this adventure. 

So I wrote her this letter for her first day. I know she can’t read it yet, but I know that one day, hopefully, she will hear the words and they will still ring true.

My Darling Girl,
 Today marks the start of a big adventure for you. Off to a whole new environment. You've been ‘stuck’ at home with me for over twenty months now and while I am sure you've had fun, I know that this day will really mean, the world becomes your own giant toy box. 

I pray that you learn a lot. School is for learning, after all. I pray you learn some dance, some language, some art and some music. I pray you will learn to catch a ball and throw one, to balance on a beam and to build a tall-Lego tower. I pray you learn how to listen and how to speak. I pray you learn how to play nicely with others and give others space when they need it. I pray that you learn to hug someone when they are upset and to say ‘sorry,’ (and mean it,) when they are upset because of you. 

I pray that you are spared hurt. Not that you won’t come home with bruises and grazes and the occasional plaster or two, no. That is part of the learning process, after all. I pray that emotional hurts won’t occur too often. Children can be cruel and this is something that already makes my jaw tense and my knuckles whiten and my heart break. The thought that you, my precious baby, will be a victim of cruelty, is something I dread. I also know that being hurtful and cruel is something that, in the end, hurts us. And so I pray that you are spared the hurt from that as well. I pray that you remember to be kind. You are an exceptionally sweet child and I honestly pray that it continues. 

I pray you learn to say “Please” and “Thank you.” I pray that you remember that you come from a home where you are blessed, but that not everyone is as blessed as you are. I pray that you will always remember to be generous and to share. I pray that you remember to be obedient. I pray that you make special friends. Some of my best friends to this day are friends I made in school. I pray that you can dance and sing and play in puddles together now. And in years to come, I pray that you can dance and sing and play on sport’s fields or concert stages together. 

I pray that the teacher will see what we see when we look at you- a precious, sensitive little soul, frightened of much in the world, but willing to try almost anything when holding the hand of someone she trusts. I pray she will see that you want to please and you want to be attended to. I pray she will understand and love you like I do. I pray that she will help you continue to flourish and grow. I know that this is truly a magical day. I loved school and loved learning, even when I was naughty or disobedient. You've grown so much and so quickly.
Never stop growing.
Never stop asking, “Why?”
Never stop singing.
Never stop being in awe of nature.
Never stop being the truest little ‘you’ you can be.    

I pray that you remember that no matter what: no matter what you do today or tomorrow, who you befriend, what you wear, who you marry, what you become; I will ALWAYS love you and ALWAYS be proud of you. Enjoy this milestone, my darling. You’re in for a wonderful time. 

With loads of love

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Our Week in Saugor...! What funnn! :D

Our week in Saugor was just what the doctor's had ordered... Ami had so much fun with her 2 big didis and became friendly with nana & nanni too... She learnt how to say "dog" and "fish" (No not gaalis but the real thing :)) and is now super excited wherever she finds one... 

Kids screaming with glee, running around in open garden, playing with the dogs, gazing at the fish pond, making sure nana gave them fish food daily to feed the fish, and getting extremely excited feeding them... was what Saugor trip was filled with :)

Playing with didis & seeing them sing & play piano was bonus. :)

As for me, it was a long awaited break where I was able to catch up with my didi too . So all in all- thumbs up to Saugor trip! ;)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Introduction to Anubha Mam at La Petite

So we were invited for a half an hour meet & greet session at La Petite today. Ami was introduced to her class teacher Anubha Mam and taken to her class. As was expected, she refused to let go of my finger; but she did manage to play a while without my hand (just for a few minutes actually) before we finally left.

Today, at 20 months she turns to La Petite for the start of her new education. :) Lets hope she has fun while she is at it... 

The formal-regular session will begin on Tuesday the 9th of July :) Keeping my Fingers Crossed!

The girl with the naughty eyes ;)

Once upon a time there lived a quiet and innocent girl who was born a lady; played & smiled demurely and was loved by everyone who met her. And donno how & when but right before my eyes, she has turned into this "naughty brat" who I adore a lot more! :P 

Cheers to lots of fun & naughtiness. :P

My a-little-crazy & lots-of-fun baby is here to stay :)

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