
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Our Week in Saugor...! What funnn! :D

Our week in Saugor was just what the doctor's had ordered... Ami had so much fun with her 2 big didis and became friendly with nana & nanni too... She learnt how to say "dog" and "fish" (No not gaalis but the real thing :)) and is now super excited wherever she finds one... 

Kids screaming with glee, running around in open garden, playing with the dogs, gazing at the fish pond, making sure nana gave them fish food daily to feed the fish, and getting extremely excited feeding them... was what Saugor trip was filled with :)

Playing with didis & seeing them sing & play piano was bonus. :)

As for me, it was a long awaited break where I was able to catch up with my didi too . So all in all- thumbs up to Saugor trip! ;)

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