
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Play School Begins. :)

Ami started play school today... Among all the humdrum of daily grind and regular routine, today became a red letter day coz it was her first day at school! 

Getting Ready: 

Seeing off: 

Posing with the school bag:

At Le Petite: 

And the experience:

We walked into La Petite and Ami refused to leave my hand and go to her mam. So I was asked to bring her along to the class. Stayed there for 5 mins, trying to get her interested in the numerous ride-ons, slides & toys other kids were playing with. At first she naturally didn't show any interest but then the most unique thing happened. Two girls her age walked up to her and held her hand and took her to a vacant ride-on. She let them guide her without any fuss. I was asked to leave slowly. When I left her in the room, she called out for me 2/3 times but that was expected. 

I guess she soon forgot me, coz after waiting merely 15-20 mins at the reception, I was asked to leave and collect her later. Anubha Mam thought she was adjusting well and there would be no problem as she was engrossed with her 'new' friends. 

I went back an hour later expecting to see a screaming bundle asking for "Mumma" but she came out aaram se, ek dum quiet. I even looked for tear stains but thankfully there weren't any. She just gave me a look (that hardly lasted a min), which was a cross between angry & "Did u dare leave me mommy?" She was normal and laughing even before we left... Even waved bye to mam & 2 other fellow students before leaving. 

All in all looked like a good day. 

Anubha mam told me she had half a parantha with raita. Was not sitting on corner (as I'd feared)... But had been playing with other kids quietly. She has asked me to bring her earlier tomorrow as she didn't cry today. (Touch Wood!)

Once we left La Petite, on our way back, I had to literally park my car midway & make a video of the 'hulla' happening in the car... Phewww! It was all excitement personified...

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