
Monday, October 7, 2013

From Imp to Pixie :)

Anyone who knows Ami & me, knows I have a tom-boy for a daughter. Someone who makes it known, she prefers cars & balls to barbies & soft toys... Who prefers jeans to dresses... Who loves running around screaming and lets us know her dis-pleasures (with anything) immediately. 

So imagine my surprise when this weekend, quite out of the blue, I noticed some girlish behaviour in my pixie and her wanting to do things I did. :) To start with, on Saturday, after getting her ready, when I was getting ready myself, she came and stood by me at the mirror. When I put my eyeliner & kajal, she insisted I put them for her too. And then the same request was made for lipbalm. It had me in all smiles... But as if this wasn't enough, a little later in the day, she also wanted to borrow my stole to wear it herself. And finally she wanted me to let her carry a handbag of her own... :) 

See, let me clarify  I have absolutely no problem in having a girlie baby who's into girlish stuff... I wud absolutely luv that kinnda daughter too, but Ami's well always been more boyish, so it did come as a pleasant surprise. :)

And as I close this, the song in my head is...

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey

You never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away... :)"

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