
Monday, October 14, 2013

Turning the No's into Yes!

As a 2 year old, you probably hear 'No' all the time... No this is not good for you or No don't do that... No don't pick this up or No, don't eat that... So its hardly surprising that 'No' is one of the first words in our child's vocabulary. Don't they learn to say 'No' much-much before learning to say 'Yes'? 

I have been seriously contemplating, whose fault that is? As parents we want our children to be independent and learn to face the world, but we probably don't allow them space to do just that. Albeit unintentionally, but we do condition them to be less independent by saying No to everything they want. We do not let them reach their true potential, 'coz our natural instinct is to-protect. And in being protective sometimes, we just don't let them be...

I read this somewhere and really liked it- "It's hard being a 2 yr old...There're things u want, but "NO" you're told. There's not enough hours in the day, 2 learn all d words they expect u to say. I've done well up 2 this time I've learnt what's theirs n what's MINE. I've used my legs n learned 2 walk, I've listened hard n learned 2 talk. I've learned 2 count from one 2 ten, n then I say it all again, u'll hear them say that I'm so bright, Coz I know my colors, black, red n white. Life's a twinkle, let's go to the zoo, remember mommy, I'm just two! :)"

This morning I faced one such dilemma too. Ami, brought a bottle of water to me and insisted she wanted to drink water straight from it (rather than the straw bottle or straw glass she generally prefers). My natural instinct was to say "No Ami, don't drink from the bottle, you will spill water all over you." but then a small voice inside said "So what? Let her do it, even if she does end up spilling the water." 

In hindsight, I'm glad I heard that small voice and let her have water straight from the bottle. Had I not, I'd have never known that my daughter was actually capable of drinking water from the bottle (miraculously without spilling it :)) and I'd have never got to see the precious little look of accomplishment she had on her face when she finished having the water. 

This got me thinking, that maybe as parents, we don't even realize this many times. Its not like we don't want our child to learn and grow. We only say No, coz of the fear of what happens if they don't do it right. Sometimes putting things (that might break in the process) much before our own kid. But maybe, just maybe, as parents, our task is not just to say "No" but also know when to give-in and say "Yes!" I agree its a fine balance, and we'd all have to learn as we play, but isn't that true for everything in life? 

1 comment:

  1. Great article Astu! Very well written and you've got it bang on there. Let her do things she's never done before because that's what life is all about - the earlier she learns it, the better! :)



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