
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Our day at the zoo!

If a few years back someone had told me that one winter morning, I'll actually go to the zoo and enjoy myself there, I'd have laughed at the idea. But well, times, things and lives change, and with that, priorities & simple pleasures take a shift too.  

So, we took Ami & our niece Karuna to the zoo today. Now that she's two, and can say the name of many animals, she has earned the right to go to the zoo :P Staying in Gurgaon, visiting the Delhi zoo was naturally taken up as a project. The plan was to reach there by 10, so we could enjoy the place and avoid the crowd. But as is usual with us, we left home late and got there only by 11:30. The Sahai's were later still, so we got the tickets & patiently waited for them. :)

A Note to anyone going: Don't carry any eatables, its just NOT allowed inside. All sandwiches which we had painstakingly made (early in the morning), so as to have a 'picnic' had to be left in the car outside. I managed to sneak in my daughter's orange juice & cheese slices, though they actually check to see you aren't carrying anything.

Once we were in, the girls went crazy. Left our hands and ran like they were proving a point to the animals- 'look we are free!' :) Tssk Tssk! We went wild keeping up with them... The excitement was just too much- "Mumma look "Duck", "Lion", "Tiger", "Elephant", "Giraffe"...! And some new ones were added to their vocabulary- "Jaguar, Alligator, Leopard, Turtle, Reptiles etc etc..." 

Let me tell you, I'm definitely not an animal's person. Meaning I don't get excited like other people when I sight an animal, so I was more than happy in the back seat clicking snaps of all the excitement. 


Another Note: We walked 4-5 kms that day. (And we didn't even cover it all). This place is HUGE, so comfy footwear and clothes is a must. You could also carry a hat & sunglasses. There are some small beverage joints conveniently placed along with decently clean toilets for visitors. Benches under huge trees to take a moment to rest, complete the picture! :)

Naturally our day had to end with lunch, coz we were starving by the time we got out... Here I'm with my cute little niece. :)

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